Ensure employees, investors, and customers that you take issues of workplace development seriously, and that your company has invested real time and energy into exploring issues that matter. Workplace development training won’t change your workplace overnight, but it will educate and equip you with the tools necessary for continued growth and achievement.

When people come first, success follows.

Invest in your businesses by investing in your people.

Workplace Development Training

Workplace Development training activates employee’s unique talents by helping you foster a culture of inclusion and support. Meg Martinez Consulting offers over 15 years of professional experience to help create a workplace where all people are valued and understood. This training will help you keep up with the ever-changing world around you, and increase your bottom line.

“Organizations with diverse workforces are 35% more likely to have above-average profit margins than companies with more homogenous employee bases.”

- McKinsey & Co.

Is Workplace Development training right for you?

During Meg’s courses attendees will develop an understanding of the diversity of the human experience, learn and appreciate the contributions of different social groups, develop the ability to discuss and reflect on current political and social issues in an informed way, and understand the context for current social issues by learning about American history. 

“Organizations providing diversity and inclusion training isn’t just about doing it as a formality, rather it's about helping employees understand that the company places value on diversity, building inclusive working spaces, and overcoming all sorts of unconscious biases.”

- The Product Company

Course Offerings

  • Self-Guided Online Workshops

    Four online courses, delivered over a period of four weeks. Includes weekly reflection assignments.

  • Group Coaching Workshops

    Four online courses, delivered over a period of four weeks; four live zoom discussions, also held weekly, for up to 10 people. Includes weekly reflection assignments

  • In-Person Consulting Workshops

    Meg Martinez is available for speaking engagements, seminars, and short-form workshops

  • Live Zoom Consulting

    Planning an online event? Meg Martinez is available for speaking engagements, seminars, and workshops online.

  • Personalized Program

    Meg Martinez will take inventory of your office culture, working one-on-one with you to create a personalized and wholly unique 4-week program addressing your specific needs.

  • Invest in Workplace Development Training

    “While social justice typically is the initial impetus behind [workplace development training], companies have increasingly begun to regard inclusion and diversity as a source of competitive advantage, and specifically as a key enabler of growth.” -McKinsey & Company